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Call for Papers

The conference aims to cover a broad range of research concerned with language and cognition. We are especially interested in promoting empirical work pertaining to cognitive semantics, embedded discourse, and applied cognitive linguistics. Thematic sessions will be organised around the following topics:

  • Functional approaches to cognitive linguistics
  • Cognitive linguistic approaches to language teaching
  • Lexicology and lexical concepts
  • Language and space
  • Embodiment
  • Analogy and conceptual transfer
  • Situated cognition and language

In addition to these themes, other relevant topics include:

  • Domains and frame semantics
  • Categorisation, prototypes and polysemy
  • Metaphor and discourse
  • Metonymy and discourse
  • Mental spaces and conceptual blending
  • Language evolution
  • Linguistic variation and language change
  • Gesture
  • Typology and constructional analyses of the languages of the world
  • Acquisition
  • Corpora and statistical methods
  • Cognitive computational models

Cognitive linguistics is by definition highly interdisciplinary, and so in addition to primarily linguistic research, we also invite language related submissions that are based on disciplines such as (cognitive and social) psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, anthropology, biology, artificial intelligence, and discourse and communication studies.

Talks will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion. There will also be a poster session. The language of the conference is English.

Participants will be allowed to present at most one talk (as a single or first author) and one poster, but can be co-authors on other work. On submission, you will be asked to indicate if you intend the submission for a talk or a poster. Also, you will be asked to indicate if your submission fits to one of the thematic sessions listed above. If not, simply click 'Other'.

All abstracts will be subject to double-blind peer review by an international scientific committee (and should therefore not contain author names).

Since 2012 UK-CLA has published selected conference presentations in the series 'Selected Papers from UK-CLA Meetings' (ISSN 2046-9144); UK-CLC6 will continue this tradition.

Separate from the abstract, please indicate to the organisers by email to if you have any special needs or disabilities. This will allow support to be organised well in advance.

Pre-conference and Conference dates

Pre-conference workshops: Monday July 18, 2016
Main conference: Tuesday July 19 – Friday July 22, 2016

Schedule for important dates

  • Abstract deadline: 10 December 2015 
  • Decisions communicated by: 15 February 2016
  • Early bird registration opens: 15 February 2016
  • Early bird registration closes: 15 April 2016
  • Registration for speakers to be included in Proceedings closes: 31 May 2016
  • Accommodation booking on campus closes: 8 July 2016

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