Tuesday July 19 – Friday July 22, 2016
(Pre-conference workshops: Monday July 18, 2016)
Bangor University,
LL57 2DG
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Welcome to the 6th UKCLC Conference
Bangor is widely recognised as one of the most scenic university settings in the UK, set between the famous Snowdonia mountains and the sea. The location, the scenery and the surrounding area are amongst the reasons why Bangor University enjoys rising student numbers and continuously attracts researchers from around the world for conferences and extended research visits, spanning many disciplines and research areas. This provides an ideal setting for an intense and thought provoking interdisciplinary conference, following the spirit of previous UK-CLCs.
The School of Linguistics and English Language at Bangor University is a major centre for Cognitive Linguistics and will host the 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference in the beautiful scenery of North Wales.
Confirmed plenary speakers
- Penelope Brown (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL)
- Kenny Coventry (University of East Anglia, UK)
- Vyv Evans (Bangor University, UK)
- Dirk Geeraerts (University of Leuven, BE)
- Len Talmy (University at Buffalo, NY, USA)
- Dedre Gentner (Northwestern University, IL, USA)
Key dates
- Abstract submission deadline: 10th December 2015
- Decisions communicated by: 15th February 2016
- Pre-conference workshops: Monday July 18th, 2016
- Main conference: Tuesday July 19th – Friday July 22nd, 2016
- Best poster prize awarded by Tracksys
- Best student talk prize awarded by De Gruyter Mouton